Tuesday, 17 July 2018



Success Story No. 1

Success Story of a Dairy Farmer under Mini Dairy Scheme
The 100 days target for Bank linked Mini Dairy scheme was 25 and 28 Nos of cases were sponsored to different banks. The percentage of achievement 1s 112%. At present field level verification by the bank authorities are ongoing.
However one beneficiary namely Sri Titon Ranjan Paul, Vill- Baruakandi under Kalacherra Block is refinanced by The Syndicate Bank, Dharmanagar Branch. Sri Titon Ranjan Paul was financed by the Syndicate Bank of an amount Rs. 1,60,000/- during 2016-17 and his monthly installment was Rs. 4,000/- . He was repaid the whole amount to the bank and also profited Rs. 4,500/- (approx.) monthly by selling of milk. Seeing his success as Dairy farmers the Syndicate Bank is ready to refinance him in the same project.

Success Story No. 2

Success Story of Block Level Brooder House, Panisagar

Block Level Brooder House (BLBH), Panisagar was established in the year 2012. 04 Nos unemployed youth were selected by PRI Body to look after the BLBH as caretaker. Day old Kuroiler chicks are reared in the BLBH up to the age of 49 days and distributed to the farmers under different Departmental and Extra-departmental scheme @ Rs. 80/-per chick. All the four types of poultry vaccine are given on 7th, 14th, 28th & 45th days as per schedule.

Generally 5-6 batches are reared in a financial year and the profits are distributed among the caretakers in each batch.
Here, I am mentioning the status report of this BLBH for the year 2017-18. Which is as follows:
No of batches reared
No of chicks reared
No of chicks sold
Total sale (Rs.)

On an average Rs. 20,000/- to Rs. 22, 000/- profits are earning per batch i.e. each caretaker got Rs. 5000/- to Rs. 5500/- per batch which create a secondary employment in favour of the caretakers.
Besides distribution among different government scheme, the interested farmers also purchased chicks from this BLBH as per approved rate and in turn rearing of these chicks in backyard system helps to achieve the target for egg production in the district as well as for the state.

Success Story No. 3

Success Story of Implementation of Pig Breeding Units in Tripura under TSP

The said scheme was implemented at Zoithang A. D. C. Village under Jubarajnagar R. D. block where 9 (nine) nos of beneficiaries were benefitted. The total project cost was Rs. 1,32,300/- out of which Rs. 99,000/- was government share and rest Rs. 33,300/- was the beneficiary contribution.
The beneficiaries were provided with 3 (three) nos exotic piglets (I male & 2 female collected from Exotic Pig Breeding Farm, Kanchanpur), Feed and necessary training.
On the field level verification it was revealed that all the beneficiaries are successfully rearing the piglets in their homestead.

Success Story No. 4

Success Story of Cultivation of Combo Napier under MGNREGA 2017-18

The said scheme was implemented at Deocherra G. P. under Panisagar R. D. Block in the field of Sri Bidhubusan Nath, S/O Nagesh Chandra Nath.
The total project cost was Rs. 7518/-. The said beneficiary was provided with 1000 nos of Combo Napier cuttings from PO, ICDP-II Office Complex for 0.25 kani of land. The said scheme has been completed successfully and at present he is producing avg. 30-35 kg green fodder daily for his own dairy farm. At present he his having 3 (three) nos of Cross Breed (CB) Lactating cow and 2 (two) CB-heifer and I (one) CB female calf. He is a beneficiary of CGM scheme and producing avg. 18-20 lts milk per day in his farm. He is earning avg. Rs. 10,000/- per month from his farm excluding all the expenditure. Now he has a plan to increase the fodder plot.    

Friday, 6 July 2018

Piglet Distribution Program on 6th July 2018 at Deputy Director of ARDD(N) under the project Exotic Pig Breeding Unit under Tribal Sub-plan(TSP) at Zoithang ADC under Jubarajnagar R.D Block.

A Piglet Distribution Program was held on 6th July 2018 at Deputy Director of ARDD(N) under the project Exotic Pig Breeding Unit under Tribal Sub-plan(TSP) at Zoithang ADC under Jubarajnagar R.D Block. As a chief guest Mr Birendra Ch. Das, General Secretary of Kisan Morcha, Dharmanagar, North Tripura was present. A brief discussion was done about pig rearing.